
view_probabilistic accepts one sample of a tercile forecast xarray.DataArray (with dimensions latitude/longitude/feature, where feature is of size three and represents the below normal / near normal / above normal categories) and plots the dominant terciles.

  X,                          # Xarray.DataArray with probabilistic values to plot 
  title='',                   # title of plot, if you want one 
  coastlines=False,           # whether or not to plot coastlines on the world map 
  borders=True,               # whether or not to plot country borders on the world map 
  ocean=True,                 # whether or not to plot the ocean as blue 
  label=None,                 # Label - if you want to add a label with text on the map, text goes here
  label_loc=(0.01, 0.98),     # location of label on map (x, y) max 1.0 min 0.0
  savefig=None,               # name of file to which to save plot , if you want to 
  drymask=None                # pass the drymask object generated by xc.drymask(X)  if you want light-pink color over dry areas.