reliability_diagram calculates and plots the reliability diagram between two NumPy arrays, one of which represents a probabilty forecast and one of which represents one-hot encoded observations for reference.
ypred, # probability predictions for one category. Nx1 column vector please
t, # one-hot encoded observations for one category. Nx1 column vector
title=None, # plot title
tercile_skill_area=True, # plot gray polygons over skillful area for tercile forecasts
perfect_reliability_line=True, # plots a line representing theoretical perfect reliability
plot_hist=True, # plot histogram of predicted probabilities
fig=None, # use existing fig?
ax=None, # use existing ax?
bin_minimum_pct=0.01, # minimum percent of predicted values falling into a given bin in order to calculate reliability for that bin
scores=True # plot BSS, REL, RES as numeric values on plot