
This class is a 2D estimator representing Quantile Regression Forest and is heavily based on the PyQuantRF library. This implementation implements small but important changes to improve training speed and decrease memory usage.

For more detail on the QRF method, please refer to Meinshausen, 2006.

qrf = quantile_regression_forest(**rf_kwargs)

This implementation heavily uses sklearn.ensemble.RandomForestRegressor Please refer to the Scikit-Learn docs for more details about QRF hyper-parameter options.

Once instantiated, you need to fit qrf on two numpy-arrays, x, and y.

qrf.fit(x, y) 

you can then make deterministic and probabilistic predictions for new data like x (x1, maybe) as follows:

deterministic_preds = qrf.predict(x1)
tercile_probabilities = qrf.predict_proba(x1) 
nonexceedance_30thpercentile = qrf.predict_proba(x1, quantile=0.3)