
The Normal class is a a transformer which scales an xarray.DataArray to zero-mean and unit variance. ( In a very similar way to Scikit-Learn’s StandardScaler) Normal must first be fit on an xarray.DataArray, and then used to transform that or another data array.

norm = xc.Normal()

Once instantiated, you need to fit norm on an xarray.DataArray, X, which should have the four dimensions expected by XCast (see data in xcast) 

after fitting, these objects can then be used to apply standard anomaly scaling to data that looks like X:

scaled = norm.transform(X) # this could be X1, a dataset from a different year of the same format as X. Scaled will have mean of 0 at each point and of 1 at each point. 

additionally, the norm object can be used to reverse the transformation:

unscaled = norm.inverse_transform(scaled)