This is a transformer which applies empirical orthogonal function (principal components) analysis to a four-dimensional xarray.DataArray. It calculates spatial loadings, which remain stored in the eof_loadings attribute of the EOF transformer object, as well as time series scores (stored as eof_scores on the EOF transformer object) and the portion of variance explained by each of the modes (explained_variance). After fitting, it can be used to transform X-like data arrays using the calculated EOF loadings.

eof = xc.EOF(
  modes=None, # number of modes to retain - default is min(samples, gridpoints) 
  latitude_weighting=False, # whether or not to applie cosine latitude weighting to X before calculating EOFs
  separate_members=True,  # if the provided data array has more than one coordinate in the feature dimension, whether to stack these or apply EOF separately to each

Once instantiated, you need to fit eof on an xarray.DataArray, “X”

eof.fit(x, y) 

After fitting, the principal component time-series scores, loadings, and singular values will be available as NumPy arrays as attributes on the eof object, named as follows:

eof_percent_variance_expained         = eof.eof_variance_explained             # Percent Variance explained by each mode
eof_scores                            = eof.eof_scores                         # PC time series for y# EOFs/PC loadings 
eof_loadings                          = eof.eof_loadings                       # EOFs/PC loadings for x

you can then also calculate the PC scores for new data like x (x1, maybe) as follows:

new_scores = eof.transform(x1)